Friday, April 24, 2015

Turning Point - Coffee Shop

Sebuah siang yang berangin di belahan sisi wilayah Gading Serpong.

Selepas makan siang, atas rekomendasi seorang teman, kami memutuskan untuk meneguk kopi pahit yang menyegarkan demi melawan reaksi kantuk dari perut yang penuh. Atas dasar rekomendasi teman yang sama pula, kami memasuki sebuah coffee shop yang cukup luas. Awalnya kami tidak memperhatikan adanya coffee shop di area itu karena coffee shop itu tidaklah mencolok di antara deretan ruko-ruko berlantai 2 yang berjajar panjang memagari jalan raya boulevar.

Tulisan “Turning Point” dan informasi operating hour, kami lihat tertulis kecil di samping pintu masuk.

Tampak depan, Turning Points, merupakan sebidang tembok dengan cat warna putih polos di lantai dasar dengan hiasan jendela yang lebar berkusen hitam dengan kaca-kaca bening yang sekelumit memperlihatkan interior dalam coffee shop.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

My "27 Things You Need To Do Before You Settle Down"

This morning I watched some random awesome video on my smart phone about 27 Things You Need To Do Before You Settle Down and here is my achievement,

1.  Travel with your BFFs - done (couple times)
Mostly I traveled with at least one of my BFFs.
2.  Learn to cook - done (since teens)
I learnt and have cooked since I was a teenager.
3.  Be financially independent - done (I am)
I have been 100% financially independent since I was 24 years old.
4.  Face one of your biggest fears - done (snorkeling, and now i love it!)
I never wanted to do some snorkeling. Deep water was too frightening for me. In October 2012, one of my best friends finally convinced me to put my life vest on, and jumped into the water and never moved from boat’s stair. I did snorkeling with one of my hands always holding onto the stair.  
5.  Live alone - done (since 2002)
I have lived alone since year 2002.