Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Getaway: Ujung Kulon National Park – The West Edge of Java

The sun was bright, burnt every spot of my bare skin. Lulled by the wind and gently wave, swung at the cradle of Poseidon’s Kingdom, I was awake in this lullaby’s world.

It was very quiet without the sound of the boat’s machine “dukdurukduk”.
We “Lost”!
We knew where we went to, but the machine didn’t work at all. We were in the middle of somewhere between Sunda Strait and Indian Ocean. Second turned to minutes, and minutes turned to hours, and we were still looking at the same spot of sky. Some of us were fell asleep to their own journey to utopian world and some just sat, felt the Apollo eye burnt our skin with the blue color of the sea as the edge of our sight.

“DUK … duk … dukduruduk dukdukduk” the sound of the motor cracked the silence and Thank God, finally we continued our trip to Peucang Island – Ujung Kulon National Park (from Taman Jaya Village).
